On Monday 12th October, we – along with hundreds of other workers from the creative and events industries were very proud to come together in Central Bristol to raise further awareness of the #WeMakeEvents campaign. The gathering even made headline news – read The Times article here.
We were very proud to come together to cheer on The Survival Tour for their arrival into Bristol. Our Chairman Alastair Currie completed the Oxford to Bristol leg with the cyclists – battling through the Autumnal weather! At the time of writing The Survival Tour team of cyclists had already travelled over 20,000km in their journey from Newcastle to London. You can follow their progress here.
The ‘red alert’ gathering offered fantastic exposure for the campaign; with live footage being featuring on the local news in addition to being featured by both print and online sources.
Further information about the We Make Events campaign can be found here.
Photos courtesy of Paul Box and Colin Moody.