As we’re getting ready to finish for Christmas, I thought now would be a great time to reflect on my placement.

Since my last blog post, we have been incredibly busy in the office, and have started planning lots of events for 2022.

My First Solo Event

I attended a client meeting for a small 50th birthday dinner, I took lots of notes to ensure I had captured the client’s vision and ideas. Following the meeting, I created a proposal, drawing upon all of the ideas we had discussed, and also offering some new ones too. I really enjoyed doing this, as it gave me a chance to get creative. It helped that I had attended the meeting at our client’s house, as it enabled me to picture how everything was going to look.

The next step was to book everything in with our suppliers, I helped with this by communicating to our suppliers, outlining what would be needed and arranging delivery and collections.

Upon delivery of this event, it was my first solo event! I managed staff and ensured all timings were kept to, but most importantly, I made sure our client was happy.

With plenty of fizz, a delightful five course meal, and the table dressed with beautiful glassware, flowers, and twinkling candles, it created a wonderfully cosy atmosphere.

It really is incredibly rewarding when you seen your client’s visions come to life and know you had a part to play in it all!

Site Visits

The ACEs team had an exciting field trip to Dorset, where we attended a site visit at the beautiful St. Giles House, ahead of a wedding we will be managing in April.

I found this really interesting, and learned all about what happens on a site visit. It was great seeing a blank canvas, and trying to envision how everything will look on the day.

We also visited St. Michael on the Mount Without. It is such a beautiful space, and makes the perfect venue for any event. I am very excited to hopefully deliver some events there!

Event Planning and Delivery

I have been working on an exciting 60th birthday brief, which has offered a real insight into the initial stages of planning an event. I have helped build the proposal for our client and have coordinated suppliers, ensuring the correct kit has been hired, and timings are clear for delivery and collection.

Most recently, I helped out at a charity event. It was an incredible evening raising money for a very special cause.

The event was held in a marquee in our client’s garden. The space was kitted out with ski lodge linings, tartan napkins, and a Christmas tree adorned with hydrangeas – creating the most beautiful, warm, cosy, Christmassy atmosphere.

I am really enjoying my time at Alastair Currie Events, learning so much and gaining the most amazing experience!

I cannot wait for the new year, to see all of our plans come together and to help deliver all of our exciting events!